The Australian Weathercam Network is a site which provides live feed from weathercams at various locations around Australia. OAC is currently negotiating to have cameras installed on our club house - one looking over the apron & runway, the other lookingtowards Mt Canobolas.
Can Stock Photo offers over 15 million professional royalty free stock photos,and give out free weekly downloads! There are tens of thousands of new imagesadded every week and over 57,000 Aviation-related images available to search from.
Beth in USA has asked us to include this link to an article which inspired one of her young students, Alex, to develop an interest in aviation history. There are many links to follow within the article - including links to various aircraft.
We include this link with pleasure in the hope that others may find it interesting too. Thanks Beth and Alex!
You can join Orange Aero Club right from the web page!
Just fill out the on-line Application Form, or if you prefer you can download a printable Application Form.